Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Robot Technology War between NASA and Japan

HOUSTON (Berita SuaraMedia) Bekerja sebagai astronot di ruang angkasa tidaklah mudah. Lingkungan yang jauh berbeda kadang menyulitkan mereka untuk bisa beradaptasi. Mungkin akan sangat membantu sekali kalau para astronot memiliki asisten yang dapat bekerja keras tapi asisten selain dari manusia yaitu robot.

Para ahli di badan antariksa Amerika, kini tengah bek

HOUSTON Working as an astronaut in space is not easy. A much different environment sometimes difficult for them to adapt. It may be very helpful if the astronauts have an assistant who can work hard but apart from a human assistant is a robot.
Experts at the U.S. space agency, is now in collaboration with scientists from General Motors, announced the development Robonauts, robot helper is perfect to help the astronauts who worked on the space station. The new robot prototype is suitable for a variety of heavy duty, which is still difficult to be done by humans. This robot can complete tasks that are difficult and complicated in space, such as repairing a telescope, or make repairs on the International Space Station (ISS). The machines were designed specifically so that they can perform tasks that require skill and strength.
Robonaut 2 is a new version and better than the first generation. The robot was developed by NASA and the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) is more than a decade ago. But the latest version is much more powerful, more precise, and far more skilled than the previous model. Ron Diftler revealed that the engineer from Houston, Texas-based Oceaneering Space Systems is also involved in this work.
One thing that really stands out about the new machines is the fact that they have four joints of the thumb, the first prototype only has three fingers only, which means that the new prototype can be more skilled and precise work. "The thumb definitely play an important role, makes us the dominant species on this planet. In addition, more flexible if you use gloves in space." NASA scientists said. In addition, it can also lift weights in excess of 10 pounds and moving at a speed of 4.5 miles per hour.
"We put more sensors in both arms and his network, so if it comes in contact with the astronauts unexpectedly, can be stopped at the same time," said Diftler. He added that this was done in order to make robots safe for interaction with humans. The machine was also covered with a soft cloth, whose sole purpose is to cushion and to prevent damage to the costume space. Some of the major missions that R2 will need to do is to be able to change the thermal blanket on an object in space and also carry the tools around it. At this point, these tasks are very complicated to do the astronauts and spent quite a long time.
Having a loyal friend indeed not an easy matter. So many of us end up choosing to have pets such as cats or dogs. But in fact sometimes our busy outside the home makes us less painstaking care that our pets. Well, if you want to have a loyal friend in the house but did not have much time to take care of him regularly, perhaps your pet can be replaced by the following PALRO humanoid robot.
Meanwhile in the land of Japan's cherry when it comes to the most advanced robotic technology. This time it is ready to show off Fujisoft party which is already long enough to experiment and finally ready to show a humanoid robot PALRO for the first time in public.
PALRO robot is only 39 cm in height only. To be able to execute instructions, the robot is already implanted with a set of computer systems and is bundled with an Intel Atom 1.6GHz processor speed, memory 1 GB of RAM, flash memory 4 GB, 3 Megapixel camera and can be directly connected to a Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n. In addition the robot is also powered by lithium ion batteries.
At the stage action in public for the first time, shamelessly robot greets and introduces himself. This robot is voiced by Japanese dialect like a young Japanese girl. Slowly but surely, PALRO robot walking on stage with his legs. When the robot sees you, he was even able to take your photos at the same time, and then send it in email form. How did he do it? Of course you can because the robot is connected to the hotspot at that time.
If you feel bored, just Intruksikan this robot to entertain your heart by dancing to the music. Dance is also quite agile. Or maybe you want to act like a Sumo robot, the robot PALRO will gladly do it for you. If in one place more than one robot PALRO, then the smart robots are able to communicate wirelessly. Well yes terrific This smart robot!
Fujisoft party reportedly plans to market the smart robot to the public in March 2010. Well if you are very interested at all want to make PALRO as a friend of yours, would you be prepared to also bring home the robot is priced at $ 3,300, or about 33 million dollars

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